#1: The Out Of Town Trip
So it's going to happen: one day you are going to have to leave your students to go out of town. Maybe it will be business, a family emergency, or even a much needed vacation. If so, here is a fun, easy, educational game you can leave behind for them to play.
Have you ever seen the game "Where In The World Is Carmen Santiago?" Essentially it's a geography game where kids try to figure out a location based on clues. If you have to leave your students you can do the same thing. Leave one clue per-day for them to research and see if they can figure out where you've been before you return. You can add some competition to it by promising the first student who figures it out a special prize from where ever your going. A $3 or $4 item from the gift shop will do, and it will excite the kids.
The most important thing for this game is to keep your lips sealed! Don't give any clues before you leave, and make sure no one you left behind leaks the information either. Trust me, the kids will try to get you to leak information once you introduce the game; therefore i suggest announcing the game towards the end of the day or period right before you leave. You can collect your student's guesses (I'd suggest only one guess per student) easily by a leaving behind a lock box or even email.
The game is fun, and inspiring (kids are noisy and will dig to figure out the location!) You can make it as easy or difficult as you'd like.
Here is an example of the clues I left behind for my kids over my 5 day absence. See if you can figure out where I went!
1. Yes, I needed a passport to go where I am.
2. In 1970, this place had only 3 residence.
3. I'm currently sitting on the Yucatan Peninsular.
4. The average annual temperature is 80 degrees, and there are about 240 sunny days every year!
5. The Mayans used to call this city "nest of serpents" or "snake pit"
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